۲۱ بهمن ۱۴۰۳ ( الجولانی سرکرده گروهک تروریستی تحریر الشام ) ... گفته میشود که شرط باز بودن حرم زینب «خلوتی» آن است، و در صورت ازدحام جمعیت درها بسته و اجازه ورود زائران داده نمیشود.
A groove weld procedure qualification test coupon 1.5 in. thick was welded with the SMAW process using multiple passes of 1/2 in. max. thickness. The test coupon was given a subsequent post weld heat treatment exceeding the upper transformation temperature prior to the completion of mechanical testing.
Question: May this PQR be used to support the weld of partial penetration groove welds per QW-202.2(b) or weld repair and buildup welds per QW- 202.3(b) on base material thickness exceeding 1.65 in.?
Reply: No. Per QW-407.4, a procedure qualification test coupon receiving a post weld heat treatment in which the upper transformation is exceeded, the maximum qualified thickness for production welds is 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon.
QW-202.2 Groove and Fillet Welds
(a) Qualification for Groove Full Penetration Welds. Groove‐weld test coupons shall qualify the thickness ranges of both base metal and deposited weld metal to be used in production. Limits of qualification shall be in accordance with QW-451. The thickness, t, of deposited weld metal in QW-451 shall be exclusive of weld reinforcement. WPS qualification for groove welds shall be made on groove welds using tension and guided‐bend specimens. Toughness tests shall be made when required by other Section(s) of the Code. The WPS shall be qualified for use with groove welds within the range of essential variables listed.
When dissimilar thickness test coupons are welded, the "Range of Thickness T of Base Metal, Qualified" in QW-451 shall be determined individually for each base metal in the test coupon. When the thicker test coupon is tapered to provide a thickness transition at the weld, the qualified range shall be based on the base metal thickness adjacent to the toe of the weld at the thinnest end of the transition. The test specimens for tensile and bend tests may be machined to the thickness required for the thinner base metal prior to testing.
(b) Qualification for Partial Penetration Groove Welds. Partial penetration groove welds shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of QW-451 for both base metal and deposited weld metal thickness, except there need be no upper limit on the base metal thickness provided qualification was made on base metal having a thickness of 11/2 in. (38 mm) or more. When dissimilar thickness test coupons are welded, the provisions of (a) for dissimilar thickness test coupons shall be met.
(c) Qualification for Fillet Welds. WPS qualification for fillet welds shall be made on groove‐weld test coupons using test specimens specified in (a) or (b). These qualifi- cations may be used for welding all thicknesses of base metal for all sizes of fillet welds, and all diameters of pipe or tube in accordance with Table QW-451.4. Non pressure‐retaining fillet welds, as defined in other Sections of the Code, may as an alternate be qualified with fillet weld qualification tests. Tests shall be made in accordance with QW-180. Limits of qualification shall be in accordance with Table QW-451.3
QW-202.3 Weld Repair and Buildup. WPS qualified on groove welds shall be applicable for weld repairs to groove and fillet welds and for weld buildup under the following provisions:
(a) There is no limitation on the thickness of base metal or deposited weld metal for fillet welds.
(b) For other than fillet welds, the thickness range for base metal and deposited weld metal for each welding process shall be in accordance with QW-451, except there need be no upper limit on the base metal thickness pro- vided qualification was made on base metal having a thickness of 11/2 in. (38 mm) or more.