letter-number designations for low alloy electrode classifications mean muchthe same as with mild steel electrodes, except that the major alloy composition is indicated bya letter-number suffix. For example, E7018-A1 indicates an electrode (letter E); with a mini-mum of 70,000 psi tensile strength (70); is weldable in all positions (1); is iron powder lowhydrogen (8); and contains nominally 1/2% molybdenum (A1). The full list of nominal alloycompositions for this specification is contained in Table 1.
A1 1/2% Molybdenum
B1 1/2% Chromium, 1/2% Molybdenum
B2 1-1/4% Chromium, 1/2% Molybdenum
B2L Low Carbon version of B2 type. Carbon content is 0.05% or less
B3 2-1/4% Chromium, 1% Molybdenum
B3L Low Carbon version of B3 type. Carbon content is 0.05% or less
B4L 2% Chromium, 1/2% Molybdenum, low carbon (0.05% or less)
B5 1/2% Chromium, 1.1% Molybdenum
C3 1% Nickel
C1 2% Nickel
C2 3% Nickel
D1 1-1/2% Manganese, 1/3% Molybdenum
D2 1-3/4% Manganese, 1/3% Molybdenum
M Conforms to compositions covered by Military specifications.
G Needs only a minimum of one of the elements listed in the AWS A5.5 Tablefor Chemical Requirements.
4.4.1Effect of Alloying Elements - When mild steel weld metal is stress relieved, the yield point islowered 3,000 psi or more and the tensile strength is also lowered 3,000 psi or more. When1/2% of molybdenum is added to the weld, both the yield point and the tensile strength remainconstant from the as-welded to the stress relieved condition. The presence of molybdenumalso increases the tensile strength of the weld metal.