طبق اِسپِک شرکت توتال :
Requirements for location of welds
Distance between two successive girth butt welds shall not be less than one pipe diameter or 50 mm, which ever is greater, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or approved by the INSPECTION AGENCY. Attachments of non-pressure parts by welds which cross existing main welds or for which the minimum nominal distance between the toe of the attachment weld and the toe of the existing main welds or branch welds is less than the smaller of twice the thickness of the pressure parts or 40 mm, should be avoided. All longitudinal weld seams shall preferably be located on the top side of pipe when the piping system is erected. Two successive longitudinal weld seams shall be staggered by 30 degrees minimum.
Socket welds
When socket weld fittings or valves are used, the pipe face shall be spaced approximately 1 to 1.5 mm clear from the root face of socket to avoid "bottoming" which could result in excessive weld stresses and possible cracking. Socket welds shall be made with at least two passes.